Client: HDR Engineering Inc. prime to Sonoma Marina Area Rail Transit Agency (SMART)
Project: Advanced Conceptual Design and 30% Design
Location: Marin and Sonoma Counties, California
Dates: January 2010 – present
Project Description:
Chiodo & Associates, as a subconsultant to HDR, is providing advise and assistance to the HDR team in the following areas: project management, development of design standards and design basis memorandum, survey management, grade crossing risk analysis, grade crossing design, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of drainage facilities, track design, quality control, development of CAD design templates and standards, coordination with the counties and cities and development of cost estimates. The project involves design to a 20% level (completed in September 2010) and ongoing design to a 30% level of completion for approximately 59 miles of the proposed 70 mile route. The 59 mile route includes reconstruction of over 60 miles of existing tracks, 44 grade crossings, 36 bridges and 10 major culvert crossings.
Client: BKF Engineering, Inc. prime to City of Richmond Redevelopment Agency
Project: Marina Bay Parkway, Railroad Underpass
Location: Richmond, California
Dates: 2/2010 – Present
Project Description:
Chiodo & Associates provided conceptual level railroad shoofly design services and is assisting the project team with ongoing railroad permitting (CPUC), design review and Construction and Maintenance agreement preparation. The project involves three railroads; Union Pacific Railroad (the owner), Richmond Pacific Railroad (the lessee) and BNSF (has trackage rights).
When complete the project will provide a double track rail bridge over 4 lanes of highway traffic.
Client: HDR Engineering, Inc. as prime to Town of Truckee
Project: 30% Design of Multi Use Path (MUP) Across Union Pacific Railroad Right-of-way
Location: Truckee, California
Dates: 1/2010 – Present
Project Description:
Mr. Chiodo has been involved with this project since participating in a February 2008 Value Analysis (VA) study sponsored by Caltrans. As an HDR employee he participated in VA study involving the project and managed development of two APS studies related to the project. Since founding, Chiodo & Associates (C&A), Mr. Chiodo has assisted in railroad negotiations for the project has recently been selected as part of the cosultant team providing design services for the project. C&A is providing railroad coordination and civil engineering services. Railroad coordination services include preparation of a right-of-entry application (ROE) to enter Union Pacific Railroad (UP) right-of-way for the purpose of performing geotechnical explorations and coordination of UP reviews and approvals. C&A is also preparing a Caltrans Encroachment Permit Application for the project. The project proposes to construct a Multi-Use Path (MUP) across approximately 500 feet of UP right-of-way, including jacking a 10’ x 12’ x 121’ rectangular concrete box through the railroad fill approximately 20 feet below the track to create a pedestrian grade separation.